Digital Journal


I GOT THE JOB!! Tomorrow I go in to do paperwork for it and I should start training at somepoint afterwards. I am so happy about it. Right now I am watching Sorry to bother you and its really good so far, I am only 27 minutes. College work has been a bit eaiser to work on after I found better resources about how I could better work. I have decided to take my time while working and even putting something to watch or listen to while I work as well. Daylights saving has thrown me off alot too but its ok, more daylight I guess.


College has been very stressful, and tough to get thorugh. I am getting there but it has been a battle to do. other than that I have been doing alright I guess, I have been rewatching the Movie Turning Red a whole lot. It makes me so happy to watch, alot of it hits really close to home for me ato a point its just crazy. I reccomend that movie a ton!!! Also I got called back for that job I did that interview for. But They did call me on a sunday morning and I when I called back it went to voice mail but I sure do hope I got the job.


I knew all that time of figuring out HTML would be worth it!